Le jour où je n’ai pas pu payer le bus.

En racontant le soir ce qui s’était passé avec ma copine j’ai appris que c’était la semaine des transports à Taiwan et de ce fait, le bus était gratuit pour la journée… Bravo ! j’aurais du prendre l’avion !
Yes, you have read well, this morning, I couldn’t pay the bus fee. And it was not intentional! I well showed the 12 coins of 1NT to the driver! But he refused and asked me to get down, without saying a word. I didn’t really insist (I felt it was not the moment to upset him). Thereafter, I realized that I was the only one passenger willing to pay. It was really odd.
By telling my girlfriend what happened at the evening, I learned that it was the week of transportation in Taiwan and therefore the bus was free for the day. Shit, I should have taken an airplane!
Libellés : taiwan
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